Swinfen Broun

Swinfen Broun Charitable Trust

Helping Organisations and Individuals in the City of Lichfield

  Laura, Mrs Swinfen Broun   Lieutenant-Colonel Swinfen Broun

Structure, Governance and Management

The Swinfen Broun Charitable Trust was established by Deed of Trust dated 6 November 1973 and registered with the Charity Commissioners on 28 January 1974 and later incorporated under Section 50 of the Charities Act 1993. The assets of the Trust derive from the estate of the late Colonel Swinfen Broun, who died in 1948. The Charity does not actively fundraise and seeks to continue the philanthropic work desired by the donors through the careful stewardship of the existing resources.

The Trust Deed provides for the apointment of up to twelve trustees. At present the trustee body is made up of six trustees elected by the Councillors of Lichfield District Council (City Wards), and six trustees elected by the Committee of Management from among former mayors of Lichfield City Council. Elected trustees serve for a period of four years.

At the quarterly trustees meetings, the trustees agree the broad strategy and area of activity for the Charity including considerations of grant making, investment, reserves and risk management policies and performance. The day to day administration of grants and the processing of applications prior to consideration by the trustees is delegated to the clerk.

Newly appointed trustees are provided with a pack which includes the governing document, a copy of the most recent annual report and accounts, copy minutes of previous trustees' meetings and a copy of the Charity Commission guidance - The Essential Trustee prior to attending their first trustees' meeting.


Swinfen Broun Charitable Trust
Registered Charity No: 503515

Last updated: August 8th, 2024
Published by:  Lichfield Web Design